Santa Maria dei Frati Cappuccini monastery in Bigorio

Founded in 1535, the Santa Maria dei Frati Cappuccini monastery in Bigorio (canton of Ticino/Tessin) was the first Capuchin monastery in Switzerland. Its founders were the Cappucciners Pacifico Carli from Lugano and Ludovico Filicaia from Florence. A Romanesque chapel from the 11th century already stood on the monastery’s site. It is no coincidence that these … Read more » “Santa Maria dei Frati Cappuccini monastery in Bigorio”

Swiss Bishopics and Cultural and Linguistic Plurality

In the centuries between the (slow) dissolution of the Roman Empire (5th century) and the rise of the great Monarchies (from the 10th-13th centuries), the Church, abbeys and dioceses were the most important social, economic and political institutions with great secular power on the territory of what is called Switzerland today. The diocese was a … Read more » “Swiss Bishopics and Cultural and Linguistic Plurality”

The Romanisation in Switzerland

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