The Swiss Postauto

The year 1848 marked a new beginning for the transport sector in Switzerland. The railways are the best-known example. However, the Postauto also appeared. As early as the 18th century, diligences and stagecoaches crossed the mountain passes of Switzerland. They transported passengers and mail. They were private companies. 1906-1960 In 1849, the federal government established … Read more » “The Swiss Postauto”

The Simplon Pass, Gondo and the Ecomuseum Simplon

The Eco Museum Simplon focuses on the transit traffic of the Simplon Pass, its history and the natural environment of the Simplon and the valley. The museum combines landscape with cultural history, hence the addition ‘Eco’. The museum has several buildings with permanent exhibitions. It is mainly an open-air museum with the medieval ‘saum’ road … Read more » “The Simplon Pass, Gondo and the Ecomuseum Simplon”

Baroque. Age of Contrasts

The word ‘baroque’ has a different meaning today than two centuries ago. It now stands for theatrical or exaggerated behaviour, language or appearance. The term derives from the Italian ‘Barocco’ and refers to a pearl with irregularities. The Italian origin was the Council of Trent (1545-1563). This council was the Catholic Church’s response, the Counter-Reformation, … Read more » “Baroque. Age of Contrasts”