Schwingen in Switzerland

Last weekend (26-28 August), Switzerland’s sporting event of the year took place in Pratteln (canton of Basel-Landschaft). It was not about skiing, cross-country skiing or ski jumping, nor hiking, mountaineering, cycling or rowing (the annual Bilac will not take place until 17 September). The event, which has been organised by the Eidgenössische Schwinger- und Älplerfest … Read more » “Schwingen in Switzerland”

The Life of a Swiss Cow

Available in German, French and Dutch

Swiss German and the four Swiss languages

One of the fascinating aspects of Switzerland is that a fifteen hundred-year history has established many contemporary (language) borders, identities and cultures. The German language The Alemanni introduced the German language to large parts of eastern, northern and central Switzerland after the departure of the Roman legions around 410 AD. The six centuries after the … Read more » “Swiss German and the four Swiss languages”