The Musical Tradition of Basel

Basel has a musical tradition of many centuries. The music theory and compositions of Bonifacius Amerbach (1495-1562), including the Codex Amerbach, were famous in the sixteenth century. This homo universalis was also an art collector, jurist, humanist and, above all, a friend and contemporary of Erasmus of Rotterdam (1469-1536), who lived, worked, published and finally … Read more » “The Musical Tradition of Basel”

Erlebar-App Experience of Roman Towns

The Roman theatre of Aventicum (Avenches, canton of Vaud) has been undergoing restoration for several years. The building is the largest of the four Roman theatres in Switzerland (Avenches, Augst, Lenzburg and Lausanne). Roman Theatre. Photo: TES Roman Theatre. Photo: TES The building could seat around 12 000 spectators. The monument was built in the second … Read more » “Erlebar-App Experience of Roman Towns”

The Border Stones of Switzerland

Switzerland is a country of mountains, cheese, chocolate, cowbells, and border stones. Thousands of border stones mark the countryside. The history of the (small) cantons, their neighbouring countries, “Untertanengebiete”  and  “Zugewandte Orte” (allies of the Confederation), shows many border corrections. Untertanegebiete were occupied territories administered by the (predominantly) German-speaking Confederation or individual cantons. Chevenez (canton … Read more » “The Border Stones of Switzerland”