Foto/Photo: Fundaziun Origen.

Gregorian Chants in Graubünden

The Fundaziun Origen is devoting the coming week to Gregorian chant. These ancient chants are part of the identity of monastic life. They structure the day and night.

The Origen Ensemble performs the Lauden, the prayer that welcomes the day, and the Complet, which bids farewell to the day and accompanies people to sleep.

They do this in monumental churches: the Carolingian monastery church of Mistail, the church of Son Martegn in Savognin and the church of Sta. Maria in Pontresina.

The Lauden takes place at sunrise at 5.30 am, and the Complet at sunset at 21.00 pm


Church of St. Mistail in Alvaschein: 20 and 27 July 2022, 5.30 am

Church of Son Martegn in Savognin: 18 July, 21:00 pm

St. Mary’s Church in Pontresina: 22 July, 9 pm, 23 July, 5.30 am

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