Zernez. Foto/Photo: TES.

Zernez, the Nationa Park Centre and the Von Plantas

The possessions of the lords of Tarasp, von Wildenberg and von Frickingen in Zernez date back to the 12th and 13th centuries. These then passed to the bishop of Chur and, in the 14th century, to the Plantas, the most powerful family in Upper Engadine.

The Gotteshausbund was founded in Zernez in 1367. The village was destroyed in 1499 (Swabian or Engadine War) and 1622 (Bündner Wirren).

Zernez joined the Reformation in 1553. Rudolf von Planta (1569-1638) donated the early baroque parish church in 1609. The National Park Centre/Museum was in 1968 in Zernez.

(Source: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland, Zernez, https://hls-dhs-dss.ch/de/articles/001525/2016-12-14/).