Die Burg Unterhof. Foto/Photo: TES.

Unterhof Castle in Diesenhofen

Heinrich Truchsess von Diessenhofen is mentioned as the first owner of the Unterhof in Diessenhofen (Canton Schaffhausen).

The tower had already been built in 1186. In the 15th century, the owners were forced to pledge the castle to the city. In 1460, the burghers redeemed the pledge and became the owners.

In 1474, Knight Johannes von Randegg bought the complex. In 1724, the town again took over the building. Johann Brünner from Schaffhausen acquired the Unterhof in 1783. In 1989, the entire property went to an insurance company, which currently houses a restaurant.

(Source and further information: www.diessenhofen.ch)