Mase, Festival de la correspondance. Photo/Foto:

Festival of correspondence

It still exists, but in the mountain village of Mase in Val d’Hérens (Canton Wallis). The festival of correspondence (Festival de la correspondance) with pen and paper takes place every year. This almost forgotten way of communicating offers several good perspectives in this era of social media. Thinking first, making a concept and formulating sentences and then writing is perhaps the most important.

In the autumn the festival offers several more projects and events. The exhibition L’amour en boîte in St. Maurice is on the list of Swiss-Spectator (Agenda). The workshop Les coins d’écriture offers the opportunity to write letters with pen and paper to everyone.

The organisation makes pen and paper available, pays for the postage and sends the letters. In the Palp-en-soie project, residents of Mase and nearby Bruson write each other handwritten notes about everyday life in this time of sanitary crisis, quarantine and other social restrictions. Lettres d’exile is an exhibition about a Palestinian cartoonist. The captions accompanying his cartoons have been translated into French and English. (More