L’Orchestre symphonique de Mulhouse. Photo/Foto: Michel Kurst.

The Mulhouse Symphony Orchestra in Basel

The regional cooperation on the Upper Rhine (Oberrhein/Haut-Rhin) continues to develop. Regio Basilisiensis and Art’Rhena have been active across the border for some time.

The Mulhouse Symphony Orchestra has rarely given concerts on the other side of the border. However, the orchestra is repositioning itself and will travel to Basel for two concerts. They will be part of the KG Sinfoniekonzerte and the Volkssinfoniekonzerte, where guest orchestras can perform at the Stadtcasino Basel.

This concert’s programme combines composers from Switzerland, France and Germany and highlights three styles: German Romanticism, French Impressionism and Swiss Neoclassicism.

The programme: Johannes Brahms, Concerto pour piano n°2, Arthur Honegger, Pastorale d’été et Claude Debussy, La mer

Performances: Wednesday, 31 January, 7.30 pm and Thursday, 1 February, 7.30 pm, Stadtcasino Basel

(Source and further information: www.tickets.sinfoniekonzerte.ch)