Laser Lightning Rod

Der Säntis, MeteoSchweiz. Foto/Photo: TES.

As the national weather and climate service, MeteoSchweiz carries out weather and climate measurements at any time on the Swiss territory. The complex topography of the Alps represents a major challenge. The Säntis also has a station (SwissMetNet). Switzerland’s complex alpine topography presents a particular challenge. A new project on the Säntis is called Laser Lightning … Read more » “Laser Lightning Rod”

Nadezhda Suslova in Zurich

Nadeschda Suslowa (1843-1918). Foto/Photo: Wikipedia

Nadezhda Suslova (1843-1918) was the first woman to be allowed to study at a university in Switzerland. She was born in Russia. She decided in 1866 to go to Switzerland to study.  She studied in Zurich because, at that time, it was the most liberal city in Europe. After studying medicine, she married an ophthalmologist. … Read more » “Nadezhda Suslova in Zurich”

Vallader Romansh Course in Scuol

Scuol, Minister Ignazio Cassis. Photo/Foto: TES.

The Vallader-Romansh language course, organised by the Lia Rumantscha, started on 19 July in Scuol (canton Graubünden) with a special guest: the Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis (Eidgenössiches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Department of Foreign Affairs). He was also one of the students at 8.30 a.m. Although his work only allowed him to attend class in … Read more » “Vallader Romansh Course in Scuol”