Olivier Truchet et Gemain Hoyau, La ville, cité et Université de Paris, 1552. Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, UBH Kartenslg AA 124/

Swisscollections is the new gateway to historical and modern collections in Swiss libraries and archives. In swisscollections, you can find archive material (including unpublished papers), images, old prints and rare books, document collections, film material, manuscripts, maps, music recordings, sheet music, text recordings as well as listings in bibliographies of cantons. It is a metacatalogue … Read more » “”

Romansh as Fourth Official Language

Giachen Caspar Muoth (1844-1906), 1887, Al pievel romontsch‘. Hotel Stern, Chur. Foto/Photo: TES.

Available in German, French and Dutch.

(Deutsch) Der Genfersee und seine Artisten

Exem, detail van het fresco. Foto: Musée du Léman

Lake Geneva is one of the thousands of large and small lakes worldwide. In the middle, the lake also forms the border with France and is not Switzerland’s largest lake. That is Lake Neuchâtel. However, Lake Geneva is the most famous lake in Europe. It is reflected, among other things, in the many globally renowned … Read more » “(Deutsch) Der Genfersee und seine Artisten”