Rumantsch Grischun and Education

Graubünden slowly matured to political autonomy in the 14th and 15th centuries. The Three Leagues (the God’s House (der Gotteshausbund), the Ten Jurisdictions (der Zehn Gerichtebund) and the Grey League, (der Graue or Obere Bund) separated from the feudal aristocratic system. They became autonomous communes and regions. The Three States joined in the Free State … Read more » “Rumantsch Grischun and Education”

Rembrandt in Basel

Rembrandt van Rijn, 1626. Musizierende Gesellschaft. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. Foto/Photo: TES.

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) never visited Basel, unlike Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536), Erasmus is even buried in the cathedral (Münster) of Basel (1536). However, at that time Basel was not an episcopal city anymore, and the cathedral was a reformed church since the Reformation in 1529. More than three hundred and fifty years after the … Read more » “Rembrandt in Basel”

Cantonal Family Affair

Neuchâtel. Photo/Bild: TES.

Switzerland has more than 2200 municipalities, ranging from very small (less than 20 inhabitants) to large (over 400 000 inhabitants). A city with more than six hundred thousand to one million inhabitants is lacking, unlike, for example, in the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Belgium or Hungary. In the French-speaking part of Switzerland, la Romandie, the largest … Read more » “Cantonal Family Affair”