Romansh and Lausanne

Rätoromanische Inschrift an einem Haus in Trun. Foto: Adrian Michael/Wikipedia

The Canton of Graubünden is to a large extent German-speaking. There are various Swiss-german dialects, (Schweizerdeutsch)  including Höchstalemannische, Walserdeutsche or Zürichdeutsche dialects. Italian is the official language in three areas in the south of Graubünden: Misox (Mesocco) on the border with Ticino in the Mesolcina and Calanca valleys, in Bergell (Bregaglia) and in Puschlav (Valposchiavo).  They are Lombard dialects. … Read more » “Romansh and Lausanne”

Top-level Research in Davos

Kanton Graubünden, Sils Maria, Winter 2019. Photo/Foto: TES.

Davos (canton of Graubünden) is a winter sports Eldorado with high peaks, but has also top-level research. Climate change has a strong influence on weather extremes in the Alpine region. Global warming is twice the world average. The consequences are floods, rock avalanches, landslides and long periods of drought in the summer. The Swiss Federal … Read more » “Top-level Research in Davos”

The Röstigraben and French- and German Speaking Switzerland

Fête de Vignerons 2019, Vevey (Vaud). Photo/Bild: TES.

The 26 cantons of Switzerland differ in size, religion, language, economy, and rural or urban character. Religion is no longer a political dispute after 1848 (and after the Sonderbundskrieg of 1847). The language borders are a serious dividing line, however, especially between the Romandie (six (mostly) French-speaking cantons in western Switzerland, and the (mainly) German-speaking cantons. … Read more » “The Röstigraben and French- and German Speaking Switzerland”