Fortyseven in Baden

Baden, Thermalbad Fortyseven. Foto/Photo: TES.

Mario Botta (1943), an architect from Tessin, worked on this project for 15 years. The bathing complex Seventyfour along the banks of the Limmat River is 160 metres long and has eleven saunas and eight water pools. Fourteen springs bubbling from the earth provide the water. The complex is not a water theme park. The … Read more » “Fortyseven in Baden”

Cricket in the Alps

St. Moritz Cricket on Ice,, around 1900. Photo:

The inaugural meeting of  “Cricket Switzerland,” the first Swiss cricket association, was held on 9 March 1980.  Around 1 200 members play cricket in Switzerland nowadays. Switzerland is even the birthplace of the very prestigious  “Cricket On Ice,” a tournament played every winter on the frozen lake in St. Moritz. In 1985, at the initiative … Read more » “Cricket in the Alps”

The Walser

Walser Maria Chapel Burgspitz, Ried-Brig. Foto/Photo: Wikipedia.

Immigrants from Upper-Valais (German-speaking Wallis) crossed the mountain passes to settle in the neighbouring mountain valleys in the second half of the twelfth century. This migration peaked in the thirteenth century and ended in the middle of the fourteenth century. They are called “Walser” nowadays, although they did not call themselves that way then. Some … Read more » “The Walser”