Language Panorama in Laufenburg

Die Schweizer Dialekte. Das Sprachpanorama Laufenburg. Foto/Photo: TES.

The institute/ museum Sprachpanorama) in Laufenburg (Canton of Aargau) is a ‘living’ museum. On the one hand, it presents an exhibition on Swiss dialects, the dialect landscape in all its variations, the history of the German language from the Germanic/Aleman period to the 20th century, and multilingualism in Switzerland. Other topics include reading and writing, … Read more » “Language Panorama in Laufenburg”

A Hommage to Camille Pissarro in Basel

Camille Pissarro, c. 1901, Exhibition The Studio of Modernism, Kunstmuseum Basel, Photo/Foto: TES.

“We may all come from Pissaro. He had the good fortune to be born in the Antilles. There he learned to draw without a master. The first Impressionist, yes, that’s him” (Michael Doran, Paul Cézanne, Conversations avec Cézanne, Paris 1978). Camille Pissarro (1830–1903) ranks among the most distinguished artists of nineteenth-century France. To retrace the arc … Read more » “A Hommage to Camille Pissarro in Basel”

Switzerland-European Union

Rathaus Basel, Bundesrat (Minister) Ignazio Cassis. Foto: TES.

The Thinktank Metrobasel organised a meeting on 25 August on the Swiss-European Union relationship and, in particular, the so-called Institutional Treaty (Rahmenabkommen/accord cadre). The fresco in the main chamber of the city hall (symbolically) commemorates the accession of canton Basel to the Confederation (Eidgenossenschaft) in 1501. The ambassador of the European Union, Petros Mavromichalis, stated … Read more » “Switzerland-European Union”