Le Musée international de la Réforme. Photo/Foto: Lundi13/Nicolas Righetti

Museum of the Reformation

The museum (Le Musée International de la Réforme (MIR) in Geneva is dedicated to the Reformation and Protestantism in its historical and international dimension and context. After a renovation of two years, it has recently reopened.

The new MIR, modern and interactive, is situated in a symbolic and historical building, Maison Mallet, on the site of the former monastery of Saint-Pierre, where the citizens of Geneva decided on the Reformation in 1536.

The museum pays extensive attention to Geneva’s international role in the Reformation and one of its most important actors: John Calvin (1509-1564). His contemporaries, opponents and supporters are also featured.

(Source and further information: Le Musée international de la Réforme)