Pottery Museum

The Pottery Museum shows the historic development of ceramics, dishes, pots, bricks, tiles and countless other articles of daily use, as well as the transition from working at home to working at a factory. The presentation also pays attention to the new technologies and includes many works of art.    

Alte Pinte

The village museum “alte Pinte” from the year 1772 affords a glance into a typical chalet from the Bernese Oberland with its rustic kitchen and rooms with furnishings and artifacts from 1730 to 1920.  

Village Museum Alte Pinte

The museum shows annually three special exhibitions on changing themes as well as a small permanent exhibition on the village history of Bönigen.

Stone Age Workplace and Stilt Houses

The Stone Age  workplace and collection ( (Steinzeitwerkstatt) and the stilt houses show the prehistory with rich experience from the Neolithic period (5500-2200 B.C.), the techniques of stilt living, the making of tools and the prehistoric making of fire.