Hohlandsbourg Castle

The castle was built in 1279 as a fortress of the Habsburger. It was destroyed during the Thirty Years war (1618-1648), but rebuilt after 1840. The castle is open to the public and houses a museum and organizes events.

Gentil Museum

The Aschaffenburg factory owner Anton Gentil (1867-1951) bequeathed not only his extensive art collection, but also the building he designed and built in 1922/23 specially for his collection to his home town: das Gentil Haus with an unusual style and peculiar atmosphere which has to be conceived within the context of the “artist’s houses”.   The rooms, … Read more » “Gentil Museum”

Archaeological State Museum

The museum presents archaeology in all its aspects, methodology and regional setting, including underwater archaeology in the Boden Lake (Bodensee) and a shipwreck from the fifteenth century. The collection covers this history from the stone-Age, Celts, Roman and Alamannic life and the Middle Ages.            

Wessenberg Gallery

The gallery (Galerie) mainly shows art from the Swiss region and south-west Germany, primarily from the 19th and 20th centuries. Drawings and paintings from other regions are exhibited as well, such as collection of 450 drawings, among others by Albrecht Dùrer, and paintings by Jan Steen and Gerard van Honthorst. Located in the Cultural Centre … Read more » “Wessenberg Gallery”