Rosgarten Museum

Museum is housed in a medieval guildhouse and the collection exhibits the artistic and cultural history of the region. Alongside prehistoric and early historical items are valuable artworks from the Middle Ages (illuminated books, sculptures, jewellery) as well as testimonies of everyday life right up to the 20th century. The history of Constance as a … Read more » “Rosgarten Museum”

Gutenberg Museum

The museum houses an enormous collection of bookplates or ex-libris. Many of the owners of these bookplates were crowned heads or belonged to ancient noble families, artists or political personalities. Various libraries and other institutions, such as banks, insurance companies, publishing houses and book trade, specialized libraries of companies, Freemasonry, college fraternities, all kinds of … Read more » “Gutenberg Museum”

Bible Gallery Meersburg

The museum (Bibelgalerie) is situated in the 500-year-old former Dominican Convent. In addition to the permanent displays there are  exhibitions including the art, music, aromas, precious stones and animals from the world of the Bible. The museum shows the 3 000 years old history of the Bible.

Limes Museum

In the Museum, located on what was formerly the largest Roman fort north of the Alps, the history of the Raetic and Upper German provinces, as well as military and civilian life in and around the fort is well described. Among the numerous exhibits are items found during excavations in Aalen and at the fort … Read more » “Limes Museum”