The Lombarde Tower

The Lombarde Tower  (la Tour Lombarde) presents contemporary exhibitions of paintings, sculpture and other works of art by artists from the region and abroad. The tower is part of the castle complex of Conthey, that was a powerful sovereignty between 1250 and 1400 but slipped into oblivion after 1475. The tower is named after one … Read more » “The Lombarde Tower”

Historical Museum Coppet

The museum presents the original sleeping- and dining rooms, furniture, documents, local craftmanship and collections of music instruments, watches,  clocks and weapons.

Coppet Castle

The castle has known famous inhabitants, including Jacques Necker and his daughter Germaine, the famous Madame de Staël. The castle also has a collection of textiles, inlays, books and murals.

Pyromin Museum

The museum is dedicated to pyrotehnics, fireworks and l´explosif and their history.