Medicine Museum Davos

The museum (Medizinmuseum Davos) presents the history of Davos as health care centre for lung diseases from 1865.  

Museum of Local History Davos

The museum shows the development of the former farming village of Davos into the current tourist and conference centre. The collection consists of everyday objects, crafts, historical documents and utensils. The culture of the Walser, which settled in the Davos landscape from the 13th century onwards, is widely discussed.

Wintersport Museum Davos

The museum offers a rich collection of winter sports equipment and documentation from the beginning in the nineteenth century, including bobsleighing,  sledding, ski, ice hockey, curling, ski, ice skating and trophies of competition.

Jura Art and History Museum

The museum (Musée jurassien d’art et d’histoire) presents Roman and medieval treasures from the region, (wooden) sculptures, paintings, ivory and other (medieval and early modern) art. The museum highlights the regional archaeology, history, and culture of the Jura, the youngest Swiss canton. Objects, documents, documents, maps, everyday life, and industrial and economic development are on … Read more » “Jura Art and History Museum”