Chappuis-Fähndrich Museum

The collection shows objects from everyday life in the Jura, from Roman times to the present day. Visitors discover a wealth of objects made of iron, terracotta, wood or glass, often centuries old. There are striking similarities in form and function between objects from Roman times and now. Farmers and craftsmen have been working in … Read more » “Chappuis-Fähndrich Museum”

Museum of Art and Knowledge

The museum (Museum Kunst und Wissen) with its striking tower is located directly on the banks of the Rhine. It organises exhibitions and is also a meeting place for art and culture. There are also two permanent exhibitions, about the artist Carl Roesch (1884-1979) and the color red (Die Rotfarb), the process for the production … Read more » “Museum of Art and Knowledge”

Schaudepot St. Katharinental

The collection of the presentation hall presents everyday culture in the countryside in the region. The museum (Schaudepot St. Katharinental) exhibits old tools from agriculture, viticulture, transport and handicrafts, as well as women’s domestic work.  

Monastery church of St. Katharinental

The monastery church of St. Katharinental (Klosterkirche/Hausmuseum St. Katharinental) is a special creation of the South German Baroque, built between 1732 and 1734 by Johann Michael Beer. The museum presents the construction history and cultural-historical significance of the monastery through paintings, sculptures, photographs, books, documents and building materials.