Village Museum Hüntwangen

The landscape, formed by glaciers and rivers over thousands of years, has been transformed by agriculture and, more recently, by gravel extraction. The exhibition of the museum (Ortsmuseum) shows this process up to and including the recultivation and return to nature of the gravel quarries with areas for nature conservation, viticulture and arable farming. The … Read more » “Village Museum Hüntwangen”

Surselva Regional Museum

The museum (Museum Regiunal Surselva) in Ilanz  (canton of Graubünden) shows the pre-industrial society of the region. The permanent exhibition in the historic Casa Carniec shows the area’s culture, history and life on seven floors and how the inhabitants organised their existence in the family and village community. The museum building, the Case Carniec, was … Read more » “Surselva Regional Museum”

Centre Albert Anker

The Centre Albert Anker is the house and atelier where the painter Albert Anker (1831-1910) was born, worked, and died. The artist’s original studio, the house and the pavilion are open to the public.

Museum of Art Interlaken

The museum (Kunsthaus Interlaken) shows contemporary and modern art of painters, Sculptors and other artists.