Schiff Laufenburg Museum

The museum presents the local and regional history by objects from local origin and by contemporary exhibitions with regional themes.

Laupen Castle

The exhibition shows the history of the castle and the archaeological findings that go back to Roman times and even before. The battle of Laupen (1339) reveals the first use of the Swiss white cross on a red surface as recognition of the coalition led by Bern. The model oft he castle and city show … Read more » “Laupen Castle”

The Red Cross and Red Half Moon Museum

Photos, films, objects and documents are presented through audio-visual displays and computer terminals.  The exhibition presents various thematic thematic spaces that illustrate modern humanitarian action according the example by Henry Dunant (1828-1910) and the Red Half Moon.

Roman Museum of Lausanne Vidy

The museum (Musée Romain de Lausanne-Vidy ) shows the life, history and customs of the Roman town Lousonna and explains them through archaeological findings, models, explanations and sketches. The nearby Archaeological Park presents the remains of the ancient Roman town.