Fondation Toms Pauli

The mission of the Fondation Toms Pauli is to present, preserve and document collections of ancient tapestries and ther of modern textile creations.

Museum of Fine Arts Lausanne

The collection of the museum (Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts) encompasses some some three hundred works dating from the eighteenth century to the present day. Some rooms focus on a single artist well represented in the museum’s historical collection, such as Louis Ducros, Charles Gleyre, Félix Vallotton, Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen, and Louis Soutter, while others showcase major … Read more » “Museum of Fine Arts Lausanne”

Shoe Museum Lausanne

The museum presents 5 000 years history of the shoe.  

Botanical garden Lausanne

The botanical garden holds nearly 4,000 alpine, medicinal, carnivorous and tropical plants.