Roman Frontier Museum

The Roman limes or frontier in the south of Germany and Switzerland is part of the World Heritage of Unesco. Roman forts mark this frontier and are an integral part of this heritage. One fort can be seen in Rainau-Dalkingen, embedded in an open air museum.

Museum of Military History Rastatt

Founded in 1934, the Museum of Military History (Wehrgeschichtliches Museum) has been housed in Rastatt Castle since 1956. With its collections and modern exhibition presentation, it is one of the leading military history museums in Germany. In the past, Rastatt’s location on the border with France has often placed the town at the centre of … Read more » “Museum of Military History Rastatt”

Museum Reichenau

Three Romanesque churches from from the time of the Carolingians and Ottonians from the 9th to the 11th century attest to the significance of the former Benedictine abbey on the Monastic Island of Reichenau. The museum site comprises the three Romanesque churches on the island. Their wall paintings still impress today. The triple-naved Minster of St. Mary … Read more » “Museum Reichenau”

City Museum Rottweil

The Museum (Stadtmuseum) shows holdings on the history of the former imperial city, the Imperial Hofgericht and the Swiss Confederation. Rottweil joined the Swiss Confederation in the fifteenth century, but changed its mind after the Reformation and due to political and military developments.  A focal point is also the everyday culture in Rottweil between 1750 … Read more » “City Museum Rottweil”