Museum of Viticulture Bielersee

The museum (Rebbau-Museum am Bielersee/ Musée de la Vigne du lac de Bienne) is housed in one of the most beautifil houses of the Lake of Biel region. The mansion was built in the 16th century. The museum is dedicated to wine, wineyards and the regional history and culture. The museum owns an extensive library … Read more » “Museum of Viticulture Bielersee”

Vincenzo Vela Museum

The Vincenzo Vela Museum (Museo Vincenzo Vela) relates the art and history of nineteenth-century Italy and Switzerland. The museum is located at the foot of Monte San Giorgio (a UNESCO World Heritage site). Conceived by the great realist sculptor Vincenzo Vela from Ticino (1820-91) and in addition to Vincenzo Vela’s gallery of monumental plaster casts … Read more » “Vincenzo Vela Museum”

Viscontean Archaeological Museum

The Viscontean castle is home to the municipal and archaeological museum. Earthware from South-Italy, a numanistic collection from Magna Grecia , roman sculpture and many other arrefacts from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages are exhibited. Five years of research have unearthed a mass of evidence to suggest that the fortress was designed by … Read more » “Viscontean Archaeological Museum”