Hegau museum

The archaeological museum presents findings and objects from prehistory,  Roman Empire, the Aleman, and Carolingian periods and the Holy Roman Empire of  the German Nation until the end of the Middle Ages.  

Landesmuseum Württemberg

The museum (Landesmuseum Württemberg) presents the finds and features of 300 000 years of human history in the region. The first traces of prehistoric man and the oldest art emerged around 35 000 years ago in the caves of the Alps. The life of Celts, Romans, Alemanni and Franks are dealt with in chronological order. Although this part of Germany was only … Read more » “Landesmuseum Württemberg”

Mining Museum Sulzburg

The museum (Landesbergbaumuseum) presents the former mining industry in the region on the German-Swiss border.

Agricultural museum Weil am Rhein

The museum (Landwirtschaftsmuseum) shows the history of agriculture of the local population. Besides cattle breeding and dairy farming, the cultivation of vegetables and fruit was profitable for the mostly small farms. The products were sold at the markets of Basel.