Hermann Hesse Museum

The museum shows many personal belongings, photos, books and watercolour paintings and  provide the opportunity to follow the creative process of the writer Hermann Hesse (1877-1962).

Crochetan Gallery

The gallery (Galerie du Crochetan) organises exhibitions on photography, graphic art, sculpture and painting and organises four to five exhibitions a year.

Historical Museum Montreux

The collection of the museum  (Musée de Montreux) shows works of art from the tenth century BC to the Middle Ages and put the objects into historical perspective. The first agricultural and bronze objects and afterwards iron tools by the Helvetes (Les Helvètes) around 450 BC are put into chronological order. The Romans left mosaics, … Read more » “Historical Museum Montreux”

Morges Castle

The castle (Château de Morges) dates from 1286 and is a fine example of the ‘carré Savoyard’, the square fortress typical of medieval Savoy. The medieval interior is almost authentic. The castle houses the Vaud Military museum, the Police museum, the Artillery museum, the museum of Historic Zinc Figurines and the Paderewski museum.