Foundation for Art of the Nineteenth Century

The Foundation focuses on German and Swiss Romanticism of the first half of the nineteenth century and collects, studies and discusses art from this period.  

Archaeological Museum Olten

The museum (Das Archäologische Museum) presents finds of the pre- and early history of the city and the region.

Nature Museum Olten

The development of the nature of the region can be seen in the museum.  

Roman Mosaics Orbe

The most beautiful set of Roman mosaics in the north of the Alps are exhibited in Orbe-Boscéaz . These vestiges of a Roman villa represent figurative and geometrical scenes. Discovered in the middle of the 19th century, these mosaics paved eight of the 100 rooms in a huge and luxurious Gallo-Roman villa that was built towards … Read more » “Roman Mosaics Orbe”