Museum of Art Pully

The museum (Musée d’art de Pully) shows works of modern and contemporary art and presents the history of the region.  

General Guisan Museum

The museum presents documents relating to the life of General Henri Guisan (1874-1960) and his career.  

Village Museum Rafz

The museum (Ortsmuseum) presents (cultural) history, life in the countryside, agriculture and crafts, flax processing, documents and photographs.

Gallery Züst

The Züst Gallery (Pinacoteca cantonale Giovanni Züst) is a centre for studying art of the period from the Renaissance to the 19th century. A former parish house provides an appropriate setting for paintings by the major artists of Lombardy and Ticino from the 17th century to the 19th, including Giovanni Serodine, Giuseppe Antonio Petrini, Antonio … Read more » “Gallery Züst”