Kulturkasten Rapperswil-Jona

The cities Rapperwil and Jona (Canton of St. Gallen) were united in 2007 after a political divorce of more than twohundred years. Both towns share a common history and cultural heritage of thousands of years and were a political unit until the Napoleonic occupation and were separated in 1798 as a result of the Helvetic Republic. The … Read more » “Kulturkasten Rapperswil-Jona”

Velomuseum Rehetobel

A guided tour through the exhibition documents in detail the development of the bicycle and offers a comprehensive insight into its technical development, from the iron-tyred velocipede to the tricycle, the high wheel and the modern bicycle.  

Village Museum Langnau-Mehlsecken

The village museum is dedicated to the history of the districts of Langnau and Mehlsecken in the municipality of Reiden.  

Art Collection Robert Spreng Reiden

The collection consists of 160 works by 47 artists. They form a representative cross-section of the artistic work of the first half of the 20th century in Switzerland.