Sarganserland Museum

The Sargans Castle was first mentioned in 1282. The museum revives the land and the people of Sarganserland from both the Modern Age and the Middle Age. Spread out over the tower’s six floors, the collection will show the history, the trade, the Gonzen mine, as well as the farm work and alpine agriculture in … Read more » “Sarganserland Museum”

History Museum Obwalden

The exhibition focuses on (Roman and medieval) finds, ecclesiastical art, history and folk culture from the canton of Obwalden.  

Dufour Museum

The Museum is dedicated to Guillaume Henri Dufour (1787–1875). It highlights  Dufour as scientist, politician, engineer, cartographer and military leader. The famous Dufour-map is also exhibited.

Information Centre Morgarten

The Centre is intended to make this historical event (the battle of Morgarten in 1315)  accessible to as many different sections of the population and other vistors as possible. The underlying idea is to offer a varied programme that employs a wide range of formats. Key elements of this concept are the Morgarten Trail and … Read more » “Information Centre Morgarten”