Abbey St. George

The former Benedictine Abbey of St. George is one of the best-preserved monasteries in Switzerland. It was founded in the 11th century and underwent significant structural changes in the 15th and 16th century. Despite further alterations especially in 19th century, the monastery’s appearance is still characterised by the extensions added between 1385 and 1516. The … Read more » “Abbey St. George”

Townhall Collection

The collection (Ratthaussammlung) in the townhall is exhibited in the Gothic hall and consists of heraldic, gold- and silversmithery, flags and paintings.  

Lindwurm Museum

The museum shows the living and household of a nineteenth century middle class family. The visit starts at the front of the house and continues through four floors – ranging from the rocky cellar, continuing through the kitchen, the Biedermeier salon and finally the attic, where a canopied bed and sledges bear witness to the … Read more » “Lindwurm Museum”

Museum of Cribs

In the oldest, still original preserved house (1302) of the city the museum (Krippenwelt) shows over 600 cribs from all over the world.