The Tinguely Museum

The museum houses the largest collection of works by Jean Tinguely (1925–1991), one of the most innovative and most important Swiss artists of the 20th century. The permanent exhibition presents an overview of four decades of his activity, from the artist’s early beginnings in the 50s with motorised reliefs, through to the large-scale sculptures and mechanical sculptures … Read more » “The Tinguely Museum”

Klingental Monastery Museum

The museum (Museum Kleines Klingental) is located in the original medieval building of the former Dominican Cloister Klingental on the Klein-Basel bank of the Rhine. In these historical rooms Romanesque and Gothic sculptures from the Basel Münster and a model of the city of Basel in the 17th century are on display. The history of … Read more » “Klingental Monastery Museum”

Museum of Music

The Museum (Museum für Musik) is in possession of Switzerland’s largest collection of musical instruments, numbering more than 3,000 items. Some 650 of these are permanently on display. Housed in a former prison, the museum spread over three floors uses the twenty-four former cells as showrooms where visitors can view individual instruments as well as … Read more » “Museum of Music”


The Museum is dedicated to Basel native grafic designer and painter Rolf Rappaz (1914-1996). With his advertising graphics Rolf Rappaz celebrated great successes between 1935 and 1970, substantially contributing to the appearance of Swiss graphic design in the post-war era. As a painter Rolf Rappaz created a comprehensive oeuvre between the late sixties and the … Read more » “RappazMuseum”