Hus House

The museum (Hus-Haus) is a museum dedicated to the great Church reformer Jan (John) Hus (1369 – 1415) The exhibition provides guidance through his life, deeds and literary work.

Vinorama Ermatingen

The building is the former residential and commercial building of the Ammann dynasty. The museum presents the history of the village, wine-growing, fishing, housing culture, life around 1900 and the political and social developments of the time.

Estavayer-le-Lac Museum

The museum (Musée d´ Estavayer-le-Lac) is housed in a 15th century manor. Its exhibition displays archaeology, history, local culture, weapons as well as objects from everyday life and natural history and the collection is renowned for its collection of 108 prepared frogs in human poses, the reason it is also called the frog museum.     … Read more » “Estavayer-le-Lac Museum”