Graphic Art Collection

The department Cabinet d’arts graphiques is part of the Museum of Art and History (Musée d’art et d’histoire) and stores thouands of graphic works from 1500 onward. The collection include works by Jean-Étienne Liotard, Ferdinand Hodler, Félix Vallotton, John M Armleder, George selitz. L’estampe and Russian avant-gardists.  

Maison Tavel

Listed as a historic building, located in the heart of the Old City, the Maison Tavel is Geneva’s oldest private residence still standing and represents a unique testimonial to mediaeval civil architecture. Converted to a museum in 1986, its six levels illustrate the urban development of the city and various aspects of the daily life … Read more » “Maison Tavel”

Museum of Ethnology MEG

The MEG (Musée d’ethnographie de Genève) exhibits over 1,000 objects, remarkable messengers from cultures all over the world. Its museographic and scientific design spotlights objects of exemplary historic or anthropological value, works likely to be admired for their aesthetic qualities, but also for their affective and emotional dimensions.  

Ariana Museum

The museum (musée suisse de la céramique et du verre) covers the history and works of ceramic and glass art from the Middles Ages onwards. The objects on display come from Europe and the Orient.