Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum

Three separate areas, each developed by a well-known exhibition architect from a different cultural background, allow you to explore three major challenges in today’s world . Going beyond the troubled periods of history or present-day conflict zones, these contemporary issues are of concern to each of us today and, in a wider perspective, will affect our … Read more » “Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum”

Rousseau Museum

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Geneva, 1712-1768)  lived in this house in his early years.He wrote his most important works (La Nouvelle Heloise, L’Emile and the Contrat Social) in Geneva. The museum (Espace Rousseau) tells the story of his life and work.

Natural History Museum Geneva

The museum (Musée d´histoire naturelle/Muséum Genève) presents the fauna of the Alps, the continents and the oceans. The museum’s collection is the largest in Switzerland. It is the result of centuries of research, collecting and bequests. On a European level, the Museum has one of the most important natural history collections. .  

Exhibition space of the University of Geneva

The University of Geneva has set up an exhibition space (Salle d’exposition de l’université de Genève) to showcase its academic work. In an area of 175 m2, researchers can present their research to the public.