Centre of Art Neuchâtel

The Centre  (Centre d’Art Neuchâtel), CAN, was founded in 1995. The Centre offers a great number of exhibitions and events (performances, screenings, concerts, talks, round-table discussions) in which artists from Switzerland and abroad take part. Over the years, CAN has become an art venue that serves as a point of reference in contemporary art and … Read more » “Centre of Art Neuchâtel”

Abbey Museum Pfäfers

The museum presents the Benedictine monastery as the spiritual and cultural centre of Sarganserland, from its foundation around 730 until its dissolution in 1838.

Swiss Fruits and Distillery Museum

The museum (Ô Vergers d’Ajoie) tells the story of fruit and its transformation into jam, syrups, drinks and other options. The focus is on fruit from the region.

Museum auf der Burg

The museum shows the regional history and culture and personalities associated with Raron.