Haus Konstruktiv

The museum is one of the leading galleries in the Swiss cultural landscape. The Zurich Concretists Max Bill, Richard Paul Lohse, Verena Loewensberg and Camille Graeser constitute the basis for the exhibitions and their accompanying events. The Rockefeller Dining Room (1963/64), conceived and implemented in New York by Swiss artist Fitz Glarner, is a centerpiece … Read more » “Haus Konstruktiv”

Johann Jacobs Museum

The program of the museum revolves around cultural hybrids that develop along the main routes and byways of global trade. These hybrid forms can include anything from sublime works of art to everyday objects or social practices. All point to unwritten chapters of transnational art history, to questions of post-colonial history, sociology and anthropology. The … Read more » “Johann Jacobs Museum”

Archaeological Collection Zurich

The collection (Archäologische Sammlung der Universität Zürich) consists of copies and original statues, portraits, glass, coins, reliefs, vases and other artefacts from ancient cultures in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Minor Asia, Greece and Italy. The works span 4000 years until the fifth century AD.  

Graphic Art Collection ETH Zurich

The collection (Graphische Sammlung ETH) encompasses Old Masters to young Swiss artists, etchings and drawings. the finest examples of every genre, style and era are accessible in this collection of works on paper. Dürer, Rembrandt, Goya and Picasso can be found alongside Félix Vallotton, Bernhard Luginbühl, Dieter Roth, Franz Gertsch and Urs Lüthi.