The Beyer Clock and Watch Museum.

The exhibition comprises some 500 pieces from all fields of chronology, which are examined in technical and scientific terms as well as from an art-history point of view. It recounts the complete history of timekeeping from 1400 BC to the present day. The exhibition comprises rare and precious exhibits such as shadow sticks, sundials, oil-lamp … Read more » “The Beyer Clock and Watch Museum.”

Migros Museum of contemporary art

The collection of the museum (Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst) focusses on contemporary art, art history, Minimal Art and works involved with spatial construction and performativity.

Kunsthalle Zürich

The Kunsthalle organizes exhibitions on contemporary art and puts art into perspective of art history and society.

Cabaret Voltaire

Cabaret Voltaire is the birthplace of Dada (1916).  The Cabaret positions Dada with its historical and cultural heritage as the central point of departure and perceive Dada as a vision of the past.