Hirsch Pavillion, 1912. Foto/Photo: TES.

The Hirsch Pavilion in Neuchâtel

The Hirsch Pavilion in Neuchâtel was built and inaugurated in 1912. The pavilion has an entrance hall decorated by the art nouveau artist Charles L’Eplattenier (1874-1946) and the Ateliers d’art réunis in 1910-1911.

Stylised elements evoke the Style sapin. This style is a regionalist variant of Art Nouveau developed in the early 20th century by Charles L’Eplattenier’s teaching at the School of Applied Arts in La Chaud-de-Fonds.

The ceiling decoration represents the sky, full of lightning and clouds or birds. The floor in the middle is covered with a mosaic.

The Orangery of the Botanical Gardens will treat the Hirsch Pavilion to a life-size reproduction of its 12 doors. The pavilion’s vestibule is one of the few Style sapin windows in Neuchâtel.

(Source: www.csem.ch).