Celtic Culture in the Alpine Region

Replica of a Celtic village. Photo: www.heuneburg.de

Switzerland and its rivers, roads and mountain passes have always been at the crossroads of European trade, ideas, culture and communication. Several Celtic tribes inhabited this area long before the Roman invasion (c. 15-13 B.C.). These tribes were ruled by aristocracies and kings who owed their prestige to warfare and a clientele system. The Romans … Read more » “Celtic Culture in the Alpine Region”

Coptic Textile in Chur

Koptischer Stoff, um 400. Foto: Wikipedia

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Swiss Amber

Bernstein Collier, 4. Jahrhundert. Foto, Alamannen Museum Ellwangen

The Greeks, Romans, Celtic and other European peoples highly valued amber, a precious stone. Archaeological amber finds are made throughout Europe. The finds date from the older Stone Age ( c .10000-4000 BC), the later Stone Age (c. 4000-1800 BC), the Bronze Age (c. 1800-500 BC) and Greek and Roman times. The Roman (provincial) elite … Read more » “Swiss Amber”