Aventicum vers 200 après J.-C., maquette du musée romain d'Avenches. Photo/Foto: TES.

The Roman History of Avenches

The story of the migration of some Celtic tribes (Helvetii, Rauraci) in 58 BC to eastern France is known because of the book de bello gallico by Julius Caesar (100-44 BC).

Far less known outside Switzerland is the history after their defeat in that year at Bibracte, and the return to their homelands in Switzerland.

Two colonies were founded by the Romans (Colonia Iulia Equestris (Nyon) and Augusta Raurica (Augst) around 44 BC. The tribes became allies (foederati) of the Romans. The Pax Romana was about to begin and would last, with some violent interruptions (mainly in 68/69 AD),  until 260 AD.

The city of Aventicum (Avenches, canton Vaud) became the provincial capital of the Helvetians, with around 20 000 inhabitants.

Imperial power could be seen everywhere in the city. The gold bust of Emperor Marcus Aurelius was discovered in 1939. Many other artefacts —coins, medallions, ivory objects, portraits, statues, mosaics, symbols of power and religion and myths—surrounded the ceremonies belonging to the imperial cult and honouring the semi-divine imperial family.

One of the main centres of this cult was the theatre. The theatre played were an essential part of life in Roman society. The theatre was a public medium, a place of propaganda and self-representation. The audience was seated strictly according to their ranks and hierarchy.

The financing of these expensive and sumptuous edifices and spectacles was mostly provided by members of the local elite (ordo decurionum) or other wealthy locals.

The imperial cult was an important ceremony of each spectacle, including processions and sacrifices.

The amphitheatre became popular in the second century. The Colosseum in Rome (built around 70 AD) became the model of the provincial amphitheatres.

Roman society was deeply religious, and the important temple stood opposite the theatre, curia, forum and basilica.

Monuments and statues were erected and financed by the local elite in honour of the imperial family or local notables out of respect and gratitude for their euergetism (generosity by financing public buildings, games, food distribution, etc.).

The Roman museum in Avenches (musée romain), housed in the medieval tower of the Roman Amphitheatre, provides a good overview of the life of a provincial Roman town.

The theatre complex can also be visited, including what is left of the temple (le Cigognier), the amphitheatre, some burial places and other remains of Roman Avenches.

(Source and further information: www.avenches.ch).