Kleinbasel, Unterer Rheinweg, Johanniterbrücke. Foto/Photo: TES.

Swimming in the Rhine

The annual Basler Rheinschwimmen (Basler Rhyschimme) took place on 16 August. The start was punctual at 18.00 with the traditional cannon shot. The course is 1.5 km from the Tinguely Museum to the Johanniter Brücke on the Kleinbasler bank.

A few Basler swim in the Rhine every day from spring to autumn, weather or no weather. The brave ones even hold out in the winter months. In the summer months and especially with good weather, the Rhine is an open-air swimming pool.

The annual Rheinschwimmen brings together thousands of swimmers. The event is organised by the Schweizerische Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft (SLRG) Sektion Basel.

The swimmers enter the starting point in a festive procession and enter the water  (23.5 Celsius). Despite the low Rhine level, the Rhine is still heading towards Rotterdam. After 1.5 km of floating/swimming downstream, a musical and culinary welcome awaits at the finish.

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