Platkat der 30. Europäischen Tagen des Denkmals Photo/Foto: NIKE.

European Heritage Days

(Re)Discovering cultural heritage is the theme of the 30th European Heritage Days. A new online platform presents all events taking place in Switzerland on 9 and 10 September 2023. At the same time, the current theme shows how it is possible to preserve cultural heritage while making careful use of resources.

Die Nationale Informationsstelle zum Kulturerbe (The National Information Centre on Cultural Heritage), NIKE, presents the events of the European Heritage Days in all the cantons on the website Guided tours, lectures, workshops, or exhibitions.

This digital agenda replaces the previous national program brochure. However, regional program brochures are still available from the cantonal offices for monument conservation and archaeology.

(Source and further information: Die Nationale Informationsstelle zum Kulturerbe )