The Photo Festival Alt.+1000

The photo festival Alt.+1000 presents its 6th edition in the mountains of canton Neuchâtel.

For almost four weeks, the work of contemporary Swiss and international photographers will be exhibited, including Yuri Andries, Douglas Mandry, Simone Kappeler, Catherine Leutenegger, Cyril Porchet, Thomas Flechtner, Brigitte Lustenberger and Olga Cafiero.

This new edition is dedicated to nature and spread over three locations between Le Locle and the Vallée de La Brévine. More than 60 artists will present their work.

There are two open-air itineraries in the valley of La Brévine, on the shores of the bucolic Lac des Taillères and on the gentle slopes of a meadow overlooking the village of La Brévine at the place called Chobert.

The third location is the Musée des beaux-arts of Le Locle.

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