The Romansh Language

Chur, Hotel Stern. Photo: TES.

The Romansh language (Romontsch or Rumantsch in Graubünden, Romanisch in German-speaking Switzerland, le Romanche in French-speaking Switzerland) is only spoken in canton Graubünden. The expression Bündnerromanisch is often used. Origins The language originated from the Rhaetian language (spoken before and during Roman rule until the fifth century) and (vulgar) Latin. The language developed after the departure … Read more » “The Romansh Language”

The Ceneri Base Tunnel

NEAT. Bild/Photo: Wikipedia.

On Friday 4 September, the tunnel (Ceneri Basis-Tunnel) was opened at Monte Ceneri in the canton of Tessin. This tunnel completes the NEAT (Die NEue AlpenTransversale) project, the largest and most expensive infrastructure in the country. On 13 December, at 6 AM, the first train will run from Lugano to the north.  The tunnel is … Read more » “The Ceneri Base Tunnel”

The Crossroads of Basel

Basel, Barfusserplatz with view of Leonard Church. Photo RES

The city of Basel represents and confirms at a micro level the identity of Switzerland.  This crossroads of rivers, roads, and mountain passes connect Italy, Germany, France and Austria, Northern and Southern, Western and Eastern Europe. The Celtic tribe of the Rauraci lived in the region when the Romans arrived in the first century BC. … Read more » “The Crossroads of Basel”