The Grandeur of Switzerland

Vevey, Fête des Vignerons 2019, Les Cent Suisses. Photo/Foto: TES.

What does  “the grandeur of Switzerland” mean?  The many Grand Hotels, the mountain landscape, the lakes,  the beautiful cities or (direct) democracy? All true, but the real treasure and grandeur of the country are its people and Swiss civil society. From the late Middle Ages onwards, in a process over the centuries, the citizens  created … Read more » “The Grandeur of Switzerland”

Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and Jura in Vevey

Vevey, Fête des Vignerons, le 28 juin 2019. Photo/Foto: TES.

The cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and Jura were (re) united in Vevey. The Fête des Vignerons takes place at intervals of about one generation or twenty to twenty-five years. It is also the first time that the 26 cantons make their appearance on one of the 21 days of the event. More than 5 000 … Read more » “Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and Jura in Vevey”

Innovation in Lower Engadine

Scuol, Mia Engiadina. Foto/Photo: TES

Winter tourism began in Lower Engadine (Unterengadin) after 1850, soon followed by summer tourism. Grand Hotels were built in Scuol, Vulpera and Val Sinestra. The first significant setback came with the outbreak of the First World War (1914-1918). The revival during the Interbellum was short-lived. The Belle Époque was definitively over after the Second World War … Read more » “Innovation in Lower Engadine”