Museum of Combs and Hairstyles in Mümliswil

Museum Haarundkamm. Photo/Foto: TES

A factory produced combs in Mümliswil (canton of Solothurn) until 1990. The beginnings of comb-making in the village date back to the 18th century, and the trade remained in the hands of the Walter family for more than 160 years.

E. Müller, Mümliswil and the new factory of combs, around 1870. Collection: Haarundkamm Museum

Factory in the 19th century. Image: Museum Haarundkamm

The example of Mümliswil illustrates the transition from former craft to industrial production, especially since the factory site at the entrance to the village can still be seen.

The museum (Museum Haarundkamm) focuses on the former production of combs and the social significance of hairstyles and hairdressers. In the ambience of the old comb factory, production is presented in the context of industrial and social history and the village’s history.

Comb production is also placed in the history of hairstyles and hair fashions. This is linked to the history of hairdressing. A modern salon forms a bridge from the past to the present.

A part of the company archives has been transferred to the museum, which has existed since 1991, along with objects and products from the former comb factory, which enjoyed worldwide fame in its heyday until 1945.

Impressions of the Museum


The founder and the Walter Dynasty

The material of the combs

Emperor Franz-Joseph I. (1830-1916) 

and August Hadolin Walter (1833-1878) and the hairstyle around 1870

The factory, around 1900, with around employees 

Museum: Museum of Combs and Hairstyles in Mümliswil
City: (Deutsch) Mümliswil
Country: Switzerland
Address: Balsthalserstrasse 222